Exhibitions  Past, present & future

Bringing Light to Dark Spaces

July 2024

2-8pm Fridays

10-5pm Saturdays & Sundays

Lizz Daniels Låve, Tjodalyng

Lizz brings her artwork to the Låve throughout July 2024.

"What I experience in life comes out in my paintings. When I start painting, I don't really know what to expect.

Transmutation alchemy is my way of describing the process of creating and painting - whether that's changing wizards into dragons or transforming an old canvas into something new.

My soul mission of this incarnation is to go into the darkness and make cracks for the light to get in." 

On the path


Saturday 15 June


The best street festival in all of Norway is coming back to Sandefjord to create even more community and joy.

bli deltaker / be a participant

Sign up at www.kulturkræ for all the details.



6-9 April 2023

Arthuset Labben

Lizz is a member of Kunstkollectivet. The art collective's pop up exhibition for Easter featured art, workshops, music and photography:

Simen Svendsberget, @simensvendsberget,

and Kaja Løken Fevang, @kajafevang, opened the exhibition with song and music, and Lizz Daniels read 'a fantastic poem'.

Tor-Arne, @torkide, hosted a creative workshop, and those who wish can get an introduction to making stencil art. 

Our Guest Exhibitor, Bjørnar Hilmar-Sollie, presented photographs taken with homemade pinhole cameras.

Kunstkollektivet EasterLarge
Kunstkollektivet EasterGallery
Kunstkollektivet EasterMusic
Kunstkollektivet EasterStencil

Out of the Ordinary

2-14 August 2022

Stavern kunst og kultur galleri

As I have developed and grown, so has my art. For some time now I have been preparing multi-layered canvases with the intention of seeding my understanding of mysticism. My current work is focused on transforming these richly constructed surfaces into portals of power -- portals that enable an inner connection to other worlds beyond our three-dimensional reality.

At the same time, I'm exploring how my vision of the Divine Feminine. How she appears in my art is transforming into what wants to be called 'Guardians of our Time'. I see the entities that emerge from the canvas  as Protectors of the Peace.  They watch over and remind us that the power lies within and that we all have  what we need to grow and blossom.

Portal 1
Portal 2

The portals and the guardians each carry their own message.

 Within the paintings are keys, locks, compasses --images that indicate a direction to follow, pointers that lead the way. They are reminders of how to hold steady in rough times and the necessity to remain alert when the path seems unclear. Intuitively, viewers will find their own meaning.  We all have an innate remembrance of where home is and remapping our lives is all part of the process.  

Mixed Media Workshops 

Booking Now

Saturday 3 September 2022

Galleri Labb, Ula

Click here to book your place online


Out of the Ordinary



Stavern Krutthuset    

2-14 August 2022

A group of 5 artists, with different styles, joined ranks to call themselves the Art Collective; Kunstkollectivet. We first collaborated in 2021.

intentional creativity a
entional creativity b
entional creativity c
intentional creativity d
intentional creativity e
intentional creativity e
intentional creativity f
intentional creativity g
intentional creativity h

Intentional Creativity in Times of Chaos

Galleri Labb    

July 2022

This painting workshop brought together a groups of professionals seeking to spark their creativity, broaden their perspectives and PLAY. Everyone's creative journey is unique and personal to them. 

Visit the Studio Workshops to see more ways of working with me in a studio space, both individually or in small groups.



June 2022

My volunteer role at Kulturkrasj is to create and install street decorations and build a creative atmosphere. Following years of festival and event experience, this means recycling/upcycling found objects to repurpose them for decoration. Installation can be a challenge - I have to think on my feet. I also hand decorations to other people - with guidance, but also trust that they'll bring their own energy to creating an atmosphere of play & intentional creativity.

The journey so far


Allsidige Tilfeldigheter   

Stavern Krutthuset    

17-30 July 2021

A group of 5 artists, with different styles, joined ranks to call themselves the Art Collective (Kunstkollektivet). We collaborated in a great exhibition and have plans to collaborate again in 2022. 

#1 Subversive Granny
#1 Subversive Granny
I am using creativity and humour to process my inner life. I purchased this very good mask, early in Februrary amidst the laughter of my friends and family.

I saw what was coming.

Thankfully I have not yet used it as I haven’t been ouf the house for over three weeks. I borrowed the hat from Skelly, our live-in skeleton that resides in the front room, (the man I live with studied medicine) so in a sense both the mask and the hat have a connection.
#44 Bird Woman, 20 May 2020
#44 Bird Woman, 20 May 2020
This hat draws your attention to the amount of birds killed on the main route from Dover to distribution centers all over the UK.

On this road there is a huge amount of heavy-duty traffic delivering and collecting consumer goods. These lorries kill a lot of birds. They create havoc with their tall sides and high speed.

Wasn’t it King Lear who once said ,

‘Gold is worse poison to a man’s soul, doing more murders in this loathsome world, than any mortal drug’.

William Shakespeare
All the feath

Hats in a Pandemic    

Instagram @DanielsLizz

2020 to 2021

These hats came into being at the beginning of self-quarantine in March 2020, when all our lives changed and everything took on a strange perspective.

It was a time when I felt a  sense of powerlessness creeping in. As such, It was the perfect time to embark on a creative journey. The hats turned into a marvellous piece of conceptual art where I was able to use my creative genius in the most wonderful and inventive of ways.

I made a hat a day as a means of having a voice in a powerless time.  I was rather bold and found myself in my element, not only was I making strong statements with the hats but I was challenge the typical stereotype of being an older woman in a very positive way.

The hats gained  media attention - including a couple of minutes on Norway's 9 o'clock news. Musea, run by Shiloh Sophia based in California asked me to hold an online exhibition. I was delighted. Several other woman artists also gave me the opportunity to talk about my making hats as a means of tapping into creativity.

When Karma sings your name
Escape from the city

Pop Up Art Show

Et Eget Rom, Sandefjord

August 2019

Sometimes you just have to say 'yes'.

I nearly said no when offered the opportunity to display  my  work  for a short time in  a pop up art gallery. There was a lot of work involved  in getting it together but taking the risk was worth it. 


The Gift

Sandefjord Bibliotek  

October 2017

Hearts hold a lot of symbolism for me, and I have been an ardent collector of them since my sweet Rosie passed on. All the hearts I find are transformed and revitalised, just as hers was placed in the body of another, giving new life. I get great joy from this small act of beauty.

Norwegian Folk Art
Norwegian Folk Art
Norwegian Folk Art

What you see depends on where you stand / A Redde Norges Kultural Av

Labben Arts Center

November 2016

Homage to Bird Woman 1
feather fan

Remembering Bird Woman

Sandefjord Bibliotek  

October 2012

Birds appear frequently in my work. They have played an important part in my life since I began to explore shamanism 20 years ago. I consequently  worked on honoring roadkill by using the feathers in ceremonious ways.

Now I spend considerable time feeding them and cultivating friendships. They give me a tremendous amount of pleasure and I know that by participating in their lives I have developed kindness. 

Magical Moonlight
Doors of Perception
Beetroot & Berries


Collage has always been an integral part of my art life, I love it. The act of ripping, cutting, and sticking is very joyful and I find it a wonderfully easy way to get stuck into creativity.

Over the years I have made a large body of work using this technique, its something I turn to when in need of motivation.

Collage makes a great workshop for all ages. It must be said,  I am passionate about paper and have a huge collection of serviettes which I sell as decoupage packs.

Carrier bag masks



June 2021

I have been enthusiastically involved in the Kulturkræsj street festival for 6 years and love how it is evolving. We have created a day of fun entertainment with world music, amazing food stands from different cultures and lots of free activities for kids. We are always looking for more people to join the team, check out our Facebook page for details. 

Talking to the birds

Falling into Place

Sandefjord Svommehallen Café  

1 April 2020 – 1 February 2021

The titles of my exhibitions often refer to where I am in life, and Falling Into Place did just fall into place.  

The dream song of Olav Asteson
The dreamsong of Olav Asteson
The dreamsong of Olav Asteson
Light Installation
Light installation

The Dreamsong of Olaf Åsteson

Light installation, Et Eget Rom Sandefjord

December 2019

This Dreamsong is is an old Norwegian song about the initiation of Olav Asteson over the 12 Holy nights of Yule.

It is a song of transformation. This installation and exhibition was about me transforming the dark negative feelings I had about  the Chritmas period, my birth date and my relationship. There were 12 paintings in all. One for each holy night depicting the initiation journey.

Breaking Through
Breaking Through
Transforming the Shadows
Transforming the Shadows
Compassionate Mother
Compassionate Mother
A Joan of Arc Among Women
A Joan of Arc Among Women
Mother & Child
Mother & Child
Divine Feminine
Divine Feminine
St Bridgit
St Bridgit

Breaking Through

ER Galleri, Sandefjord

October 2018

Breaking Through was a culmination of my meeting with the Divine Feminine and the discovery of sisterhood. Two very powerful connections leading to the art of allowing and deep soul searching.

I really connected with the Divine, the Goddess and all the myths, stories, rituals that accompany such strong female archetypes throughout time. She in her myriad of forms entered deeply into my life guiding, teaching, and influencing me in a multitude of ways. It was the right time for Her to appear.


All the feminine archetypes that were created for Breaking Through asked to come into being during this time of inner revelations. And like women they have many rich layers. Rooted in the Divine Feminine they have since transitioned into guardians holding a powerful presence.


Trusting in the process is of vital importance, as is following inner guidance allowing them to reveal their personal message. They represent voices that want to be heard and ask deep provocative questions but most of all they herald the return of the sacred feminine.

Baptism with Fire


Hjertness Kultur Center

August 2017


The Gift


Translating  grief and joy into something that could be seen and touched.

When death enters our lives working with grief is so vitally important. It is not something that ever goes away and needs to be tended from time to time with love and care.

A family affair
Right Relationship
Van gogh (1)
Van gogh (2)
explosion of atomic flowers
garden exhib 048
grandmother ceremonial robe
merrilly merrilly
tribute to ceaser 2
sb plastic and paint 001
sb plastic and paint 007

I love sticky-back plastic


It all started with sticky-back plastic and the act of mindless cutting and sticking to  process my sorrow and grief.  I unknowingly stepped into the world of flow and intentional creativity; discovering  the wonderful healing power of art.

Follow Lizz on Instagram