a Lizz Daniels Låve collaboration with Hilde Hen - in English or Norwegian

Mandala Saturdays

29 June 2024 : flower of life

21 September 2024 : geometric eye

25 January 2025: Sri Yantra

Saturday, 10:00 - 17:00

Mandala Foundation,

7-9 March 2025, 24-hour course

The aim of the course is for you to find joy in the artistic expression of Mandala.

You'll experience a calm, concentration as you create space to be with your own thoughts and reflections.

You will also be surprised at how you have it within you to create a beautiful mandala that is highly personal to you.

This course is run in Norwegian.


Lizz Daniels Låve

Ulaveien 84

3280 Tjodalyng

Send an email to Hilde Hen to express your interest.

What is mandala?

The word mandala comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or circle. The mandala is also perceived as a symbol of wholeness, and people of all cultures and religions are attracted to this wholeness.

constructing a mandala is meditation in motion

Mandala art is one of the most ancient forms of sacred geometry - it is a meditative and beneficial process where shapes, patterns and colors develop on the paper.

Many artists have incorporated work with mandalas into their work. But also therapists, pedagogues and teachers have taken the mandala to their hearts.

For example, acting-out children can calm down when they paint mandalas, and other educational work can continue afterwards. Making mandalas centres us, directing us to inner peace and focus.

Course content

This course has been developed by Anne Neess at the NORDLYS course centre in Denmark. She has worked with mandalas since 1994 and has developed a methodology that is easy to learn and put into practice.

You will learn the basic principles and methods of mandala art.

The course is run in Norwegian, and led by Hilde Hen.

Mandala is a fascinating form of art where creating geometric shapes and patterns become beautiful images.

Everything has a centre and a periphery, and it is from the centre of all things that we work when the mandala is created.

You will discover how the mandala both expresses something universally liberating and something personal and individual.

The course contains, among other things:


  • practical geometry and Mandalisian structures
  • construction of the basic geometric shapes and numbers 1-9
  • meditation and mandala as a snapshot
  • numerical symbolism and the golden ratio
  • Fibonacci numbers and the mysterious order of nature

"After this Saturday course, you may register for a further Mandala Basic Course - dates to be confirmed.  Please contact me for details."

Hilde Hen

course leader

Hilde Hen

I trained in mandala painting with Anne Neess at the NORDLYS course center and have been working with mandalas for a few years now. I am a qualified teacher with specialisation in Arts and Crafts and have worked as a teacher since 2000. I have had several sales exhibitions (pictures) and have held art projects for Den Kulturelle Skolesekken. I am also a writer and have taught writing courses in creative writing for many years.

I also arrange these courses throughout the country on request. 

Course feedback

"A very good course in Mandala. Hilde kept the room and the teaching in a very wonderful way. She provided structure and space for each of us so that we could work with our individual mandalas. Hilde is educational and a very pleasant and empathetic person. I can highly recommend this course.”

"Hilde has a good approach and communication skills. She adapts the information so that everyone is involved and understands what they have to do. The participants experienced mastery and creative joy. The construction part can be challenging for some, but this can be adapted and everyone eventually got into a creative flow and calm."